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We Shall Live Again
Ezekiel 37:1-14

In the valley of dry bones,
Where the Lord led me,
Oh what a sight to behold!
He said unto me, can these bones live?
I answered, Oh Lord God, you know.

Again the Lord said unto me,
Speak to these bones and say to them,
Oh dry bones hear the Word of God,
You shall live again.

Oh dry bones, you shall live again,
I will breathe My life within.
Come oh Spirit from the four winds,
These bones shall live again.

Then you shall know that I am the Lord,
You shall know that I am the Lord.
Then you shall know that I am the Lord,
You shall know that I am the Lord.

Oh dry bones, we shall live again,
God will breathe His life within.
Come oh Spirit from the four winds,
These bones shall live again,
Yes we shall live again!