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Thy Sins Are Forgiven
Luke 7:36-50

A Pharisee invited Jesus,
To come and have dinner with him.
When a woman who had lived,
A sinful life entered in.

She began to weep and cry,
Though none but Jesus really knew why.
Her tears fell down upon His feet,
And with her hair she wiped them dry.
She kissed His feet and anointed them,
With perfume chosen for Him.

Simon who had bidden Jesus,
To come unto his house to dine.
When he saw what she had done,
He was offended in his mind.
Jesus knew by the look on his face,
He viewed this as an act of disgrace.
So in a story Jesus revealed,
The state of man and his greatest need.

There were two men, debtors were they,
The money they owed, they could not pay.
One debt was great, the other was small,
Their master forgave them and canceled all.
Now which of them will love the most?
The greatest debtor, answered the host.

Jesus looked at the weeping woman,
Simon see what she has done.
You gave me no water to wash my feet,
With tears and perfume she anointed me.
Nor did you greet me with a kiss,
Or anoint my head with oil like this.
Wherefore Simon I say unto thee,
Her sins are forgiven, though many they be.

Therefore her sins, and they are many,
Are forgiven for she loved much.
But one who is forgiven little,
Will also only little love.
Jesus said unto the woman,
Go in peace, thy sins are forgiven.

She loved Him much for she saw herself,
And knew that there was no one else.
To take away her guilt and shame,
Only Christ could forgive her sin.