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Search the Scriptures
Jeremiah 29:13, 1 John 5:10-12, John 5:39, Acts 4:10-12,
Acts 10:38-43, Romans 8:16

Search the scriptures, for in them,
You think that you have eternal life,
And they are the scriptures said Jesus,
That testify of me.

And you shall seek me and find me,
When you shall search for me,
With all your heart and I will be,
Found of you, says the Lord.

Jesus Christ of Nazareth was crucified,
And God raised him from the dead.
Neither is there salvation in any other,
He died for our sins in our stead.

Christ died that we may be forgiven,
And delivered from the judgment of our sins.
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ,
That you may receive eternal life.

He that believes on the Son of God,
Has the witness in himself.
And this is the record God has given to us,
Eternal life which life is in his son.

Search the scriptures, for in them,
You think that you have eternal life,
And they are the scriptures said Jesus,
That testify of me.