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Revive Us Still
Psalm 85:6

Some have a Jeremiah voice,
And some a Jeremiah heart.
Together they fulfill a part,
Of the burden of our Father's heart.

Some speak out against the sin,
And the injustice in the land.
They have a burden deep within,
For the innocent slain on demand.

I weep and cry when I sing,
For the lack of love and the sin,
Among God's people in the land,
And pray that God will move His hand.

To touch the hearts of everyone,
Regenerated by Thy Son.
With a delight to do Thy will,
Oh Lord, may you revive us still.

Lord make us willing to pay the price,
And to be made a sacrifice.
Consumed with love for Thy dear Son,
Then surely Thy will will be done.
Consumed with love for Thy dear Son,
Then surely Thy will, will be done!