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My Sheep Hear My Voice
John 10

Jesus said, that my sheep hear My voice,
And I know them.
And My sheep follow Me,
I am their friend.

But the thief has come to steal,
Come to kill and to destroy.
But I am come to give life,
To all who hear My voice.

Another voice they will not heed,
But from the stranger they will flee.
Another voice they will not heed,
But from the stranger they will flee.

Jesus said, that I am the Good Shepherd,
Who loves His sheep.
And I lay down my life for them,
They are in My Father's keep.

Jesus said, that My Father gave the sheep to Me,
And no man can pluck them,
From My Father's hand.

And My Father which gave them Me,
Is greater than all.
And no man can take my sheep,
From My Father's hand.

Jesus said, that My sheep hear My voice,
And I know them.
And My sheep follow Me,
I am their friend.
My sheep hear My voice.