Matthew 26:37-42, Luke 22:42-44
I will, my will, to be God's will,
Heavenly Father, let Thy will be done.
Let your will be God's will,
And His will be your will,
Come to the Father,
Let us be one.
Remember in the Garden,
Before Jesus died,
He called to the Father,
And these words He cried.
If it be possible,
Let this cup pass,
But His will was God's will,
Until the very last.
I will, my will, to be God's will,
Heavenly Father, let Thy will be done.
Let your will be God's will,
And His will be your will,
Come to the Father,
Let us be one.
Great drops of blood,
Did form on His brow,
In agony He prayed,
Alone in that hour.
The cross was the only way,
The Father could find,
He gave up His son,
To save all of mankind.
I will, my will, to be God's will,
Heavenly Father, let Thy will be done.
Let your will be God's will,
And His will be your will,
Come to the Father,
Let us be one.