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Jesus the Crucified
Matthew 27:28-31, Luke 23:34, John 19:34

Lord save the sinners,
You must draw them near,
They don't know that they need you,
Touch their hearts that they might hear.
They don't know that they're lost Lord,
Like I used to be,
They don't know where they're heading,
Open their eyes and let them see.

Open their eyes Lord,
And let them see.
The nail prints in your hands,
And in your feet.
Show them how you love them,
You suffered and died,
And we're the reason Jesus,
The Son of God was crucified.

And they stripped Him,
And put on Him
A scarlet robe.
They platted a crown of thorns upon His head.
And in His right hand they put a reed,
And then they bowed the knee,
Mocking Him in worship,
He's the King of Jews, said he.

And they spit on Him,
And took the reed,
And smote Him on the head.
Took off the robe of scarlet,
And put on His own instead.
They led Him as a criminal away to crucify,
But they didn't know the plan of God,
Jesus was meant to die.

And He cried, God forgive them,
As He hung there on that tree.
They don't know what they're doing,
As He prayed for you and me.
When He died a soldier pierced His side,
And blood flowed from the wound,
That precious blood of Jesus,
That saves us from our doom.

Lord save the sinners,
The way you did me.
Tell them that they need you,
And need to be set free.
Show them that they're lost Lord,
Like I used to be,
Make them know where they're heading,
Open their eyes and let them see.

Open their eyes Lord,
And let them see,
The nail prints in your hands,
And in your feet.
Show them you're alive Lord,
At God's right hand on high,
And our sins have been forgiven,
Through Jesus the Crucified.