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I've Met the Lord of Glory
Job 42:5-6, Isaiah 6:5, Revelation 1:14-15, Revelation 1:17

I'm a stranger in the world,
I'm just passing through,
I've seen the Lord of Glory,
I've met Him hallelu.
Praise His name, praise His name,
Praise His Holy, Holy name,
I've seen the Lord of Glory,
I'll never be the same.

When Job saw the Lord,
He hung his head and cried.
I've hear of Thee with my ear,
But now I've seen Thee with mine eye.
He saw the Lord like he's never seen before,
He repented in dust and ashes,
And said, myself I abhor.

Now he's a stranger in the world,
He's just passing through,
He saw the Lord of Glory,
He met Him hallelu.
Praise His name, praise His name,
Praise His Holy, Holy name.
He saw the Lord of Glory,
He'll never be the same.

When Isaiah saw the Lord,
Sitting high upon a throne.
He said woe is me, for I am undone.
I'm a man of unclean lips,
And my people are the same,
For mine eyes have seen the King,
The Lord of Hosts is His name.

When John saw the Lord,
He fell at His feet as dead.
The Lord's hair was white like wool,
As snow upon His head.
His eyes were as a flame of fire,
Many waters was the sound,
Of His voice when He touched John,
As he lay upon the ground.

Now he's a stranger in the world,
He's just passing through,
He saw the Lord of Glory,
He met Him hallelu.
Praise His name, praise His name,
Praise His Holy, Holy name.
He saw the Lord of Glory,
He'll never be the same.
I've met the Lord of Glory,
I'll never be the same.