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I Came to Call Sinners
Matthew 9:10-13, Luke 11:37-52, Hosea 6:6

When Jesus went to dinner,
He ate with publicans and sinners,
Along came a Pharisee, said,
Why does He eat with these?
And Jesus said to him,
Because they need a physician.
If you're sick and you know,
You go to one who will make you whole.
I will have mercy and not sacrifice,
I came to call sinners,
Not those who think they're right.

Another time He went to dine,
At the house of a Pharisee.
And he marvelled that Jesus did not wash to eat.
And Jesus said to him, Oh you Pharisees,
You clean the outside of the cup,
But the inside you don't see.
To wash you hands won't make you clean,
When the inside's full of greed.
You are full of wickedness and you call this purity.

Then answered one of the lawyers and said unto Him,
Master you reproach us also when you say these things.
And Jesus said to him, woe you lawyers too,
You laden men with grievous burdens you yourself won't do.
You hide the truth from the people,
Because you don't believe yourselves,
And when they try to enter in,
You hinder then as well.
I will have mercy and not sacrifice,
I came to call sinners,
Not those who think they're right.

God said, I will send them prophets and Apostles too.
Some of them you will slay and some you'll persecute.
The blood of all the prophets shed will be required of you,
For you turned away the truth that I had sent to you.
I will have mercy and not sacrifice,
I came to call sinners,
Not those who think they're right.