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I Believe In the Holy Word of God
Genesis 2, Genesis 3, 2 Timothy 3:16, Isaiah 7:14, Isaiah 53:3,
Micah 5:2, 1 Peter 1:19-20

Come, let me tell you a story,
About the most famous book of all.
The author is God our creator,
It's written for all, both great and small.

From Genesis to Revelation,
There's sixty-six books in all.
God tells about His creation,
Of man, his redemption and his fall.

I believe, I believe, I believe,
I believe, I believe, I believe,
I believe, I believe, I believe,
I believe in the Holy Word of God.

When Adam and Eve were in the garden,
God gave them everything they'd need.
Satan came along to destroy them,
He lied, and Eve was tempted and deceived.

She ate that which God said was forbidden,
And Adam partook of the same.
Now man had become a willing sinner,
And turned his back on God and his name.

I believe, I believe, I believe,
I believe, I believe, I believe,
I believe, I believe, I believe,
I believe in the Holy Word of God.

The prophets of old foretold the coming,
Of one who would save us from our sins.
That He would be despised and rejected,
Misunderstood and suffer many things.

The lamb is the theme of the story,
A sacrifice well-pleasing to God.
One that's without spot or blemish,
Offered for the sins of the world.

Jesus is the Lamb who was offered,
He suffered and died, but He lives.
For God raised Him up and gave Him power,
And He leads all the sheep that are His.

I believe, I believe, I believe,
I believe, I believe, I believe,
The story of the Bible is the story of Christ,
And the book is the Holy Word of God.