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Get Ready Jesus Is Coming
2 Timothy 3:1-5, Luke 12:40, Matthew 12:36-37

Get ready Jesus is coming.
The time is ever so near.
Will you be ready to meet Him,
Or will you shrink back in fear,
Will you be ready to meet Him,
Or will you shrink back in fear.

Would you be ready to face Him today,
Should He appear and call us away,
Or would you be one who would have to say,
I'm not ready, come back another day.
Or would you be one who would have to say,
I'm not ready, come back another day.

This know also, that in the last days,
Perilous times shall come.
For men shall be lovers of their own selves,
And care for no one.
For men shall be lovers of their own selves,
And care for no one.

Blasphemers, covetous, boasters and proud,
Lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God.
Having a form of Godliness,
But denying the power thereof,
Having a form of Godliness,
But denying the power thereof.

Get ready Jesus is coming,
The time is ever so near.
Will you be ready to meet Him,
Or will you shrink back in fear.
Will you be ready to meet Him,
Or will you shrink back in fear.

Would you be ready to face Him today,
Should He appear and call us away,
Or would you be one who would have to say,
I'm not ready, come back another day,
Or would you be one who would have to say,
I'm not ready, come back another day.
And that day will be judgment day.