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Except Ye Become As a Little Child
Matthew 18:3, John 3:3-5, John 6:32-33, John 6:42-43, John 10:9

Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?
The disciples asked Jesus one day.
Our lord called a child and placed him in their midst,
And began to explain in this way.

Except ye become as a little child,
You cannot enter therein, oh no.
Except ye believe, as a little child,
You cannot enter therein.

How can a man be born when he's old?
Nicodemus asked Jesus one night.
Except ye be born of the Spirit of God,
You cannot have eternal life.

Except a man be born again,
He cannot see the Kingdom of God, oh no.
Except ye be born of water and Spirit,
You cannot see the Kingdom of God.

Is not this Jesus, the son of Joseph?
Whose father and mother we know?
The people did murmur among themselves,
When our Lord told them these things are so.

I am the true bread which came down from heaven,
That a man may eat and not die.
If any man thirst, let him come unto me,
And I give him eternal life.

Except ye believe as a little child,
You cannot enter therein.

Jesus is the door to the Kingdom of God,
There is no other way to go in.
Repent and believe that He is the one,
Who was sent to take away your sin.

Except a man be born again,
He cannot see the Kingdom of God, oh no.
Except ye believe as a little child,
You cannot enter therein.