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Early in the Morning
Psalm 5, Isaiah 1:18

Since I came to Jesus, He's taken all my tears,
He told me not to worry, not to struggle, not to fear.
He shows me how to live my life, each and every day,
And all I do is follow Him, as He leads the way.

But early in the morning, I seek my Saviour's voice,
Early in the morning, He calls and I rejoice,
Early in the morning, I talk with my Lord,
Yes, early in the morning, before I face the world.

There's no way to find peace of mind here on earth,
Unless you come to Jesus, let Him give you a new birth.
A new heart He'll put in you, and then your eyes will see,
The reason that He came here was to save you and me.

Early in the morning, seek the Saviour's voice,
Early in the morning, He'll call and you'll rejoice,
Early in the morning, talk with the Lord,
Yes, early in the morning, before you face the world.

If you're feeling guilty and think that you can't come,
Until you've cleaned your life up, you're wrong, everyone.
Jesus takes you as you are, if you will just confess,
That you need Him in your life, He will do the rest.

He'll wash you and He'll clean you, and make you white as snow,
When you turn to Him, confess your sin, He'll never let you go.
He'll give you all the love your heart could ever long for,
And He'll bring you in His presence, where there's joy forever more!

Then early in the morning, you'll seek the Saviour's voice,
Early in the morning, He'll call and you'll rejoice.
Early in the morning, you'll talk with the Lord,
Yes, early in the morning, before you face the world.