Isaiah 1:18, John 1:29, John 14:6
So many hearts are broken,
So many teardrops fall.
People today are searching.
For a meaning to it all.
Won't you come to realize,
The trouble is from within,
Behold the Lamb of God,
Who takes away your sin.
The Lord said, come, come,
Come follow me.
Come take my hand,
And I will set you free.
He said, come, come,
Come follow me.
Come walk with me eternally.
The heart of man is sinful,
More than he can know.
Though your sins be as scarlet,
They shall be as white as snow.
The Lord our God is merciful,
To sinners like you and me.
Repent, believe the gospel,
Is still His earnest plea.
The Lord said, come, come,
Come follow me.
Come take my hand,
And I will set you free.
He said, come, come,
Come follow me.
Come walk with me eternally.
Jesus said, I am the way,
The truth and the life.
He's the answer to this troubled world,
The turmoil and the strife.
He stands forever knocking,
At the door of your heart.
Oh let Him in, He promises,
He never will depart.
The Lord said, come, come,
Come follow me.
Come take my hand,
And I will set you free.
He said, come, come,
Come follow me.
Come walk with me eternally.