Mark 10:33-39, Luke 12:50
I have a baptism to be baptized with,
And how am I straitened,
Till it be accomplished.
Jesus said unto His disciples,
Behold we go up to Jerusalem.
And the Son of Man shall be condemned,
And put to death.
And they shall mock Him,
And they shall scourge Him,
And shall spit upon Him.
And they shall kill Him, and the third day,
He shall rise again.
I have a baptism to be baptized with,
And how am I straitened,
Till it be accomplished.
James and John said unto Jesus,
Grant to us to sit on Thy right hand,
And Thy left in Thy glory.
But Jesus said unto them,
Ye know not what ye ask.
Can ye drink of the cup that I drink of,
And be baptized with the baptism,
That I am baptized with?
And they said unto Him, we can.
And Jesus said unto them,
Ye shall indeed drink of the cup,
That I drink of,
And be baptized with the baptism,
That I am baptized with.
Can ye drink of the cup that I drink of,
And be baptized with the baptism,
That I am baptized with?