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Blow a Trumpet Sound an Alarm
Isaiah 29:13-14, Joel 2:1, Joel 2:12-13, Jeremiah 2:13,
Jeremiah 2:15-16

Blow a trumpet, sound an alarm,
Gather my people throughout the land.
Blow a trumpet, sound an alarm,
The coming of the lord is nigh at hand.

For my people have forsaken me,
The fountain of living waters.
My people do honour me.
With their mouth and with their lips,
But their heart is far from Me,
Far from Me.

Therefore, behold I will proceed to do,
A marvellous work among this people.
Even a marvellous work and a wonder,
For the wisdom of their wise men,
Shall perish.
And the understanding of their prudent men,
Shall be hid.

Blow a trumpet, sound an alarm,
Gather my people throughout the land.
Blow a trumpet, sound an alarm,
The coming of the lord is nigh at hand.

Therefore saith the Lord,
Turn to Me.
Turn to me with all your heart,
And repent.
For the Lord is merciful,
And slow to anger,
He is gracious and of great kindness,
And the Lord's mercies endure forever,

Hear ye and give ear,
The Lord has spoken be not proud.
Hear ye and give ear,
Give glory to the Lord your God,
Give glory to the Lord your God,
Give glory to the Lord your God.