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Abide in My Love
John 14:21-23, John 15:9-12

He that has my commandments,
And keepeth them.
He it is that loveth me,
And he that loveth me,
Shall be loved of my Father,
And I will love him,
And will manifest myself to him, to him.

If a man love me,
He will keep my words.
And my Father will love him,
And we will come unto him,
And we will make our abode with him, with him.

As the Father has loved me,
So have I loved you.
If you keep my commandments,
You shall abide in my love,
Even as I have kept,
My Father's commandments,
And abide in his love, his love.

These things have I spoken unto you,
That my joy might remain in you,
Might remain in you.
And that your joy might be, be full.

This is my commandment,
That you love one another,
As I have loved you, loved you.